Public Hearing- Community Needs

A public hearing will be held on June 29, 2011 at 5:30pm at the Foreman City Hall(209 Schuman Street) for the purpose of identifying and prioritizing the community needs of the City of Foreman, determining whether a full application for Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program (ACEDP) funds should be developed and if so, for what community need. Also, comments on proposed project activities will be discussed, especially those with possible impacts on the community, should the project receive funding.

ACEDP funds are federal assistance received by the State of Arkansas and administered by the Economic Development Commission. These funds will be made available to cities and counties according to need and can be used for housing rehabilitation, community facilities, or economic development, but must address one of the following objectives:

  • 1. Provide benefit to low and moderate income families
  • 2. Aid in the prevention of slum and blight
  • 3. Meet other community needs, which pose a serious, immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where no other funding is available to meet such needs.

At this time, the City of Foreman is considering an application which would fund the Foreman Water Line Rehab Project. This project proposes to rehab a Public Water Supply for the low-income community of Foreman by replacing aging water distribution lines of varying materials which have been in place for more than 60 years. All residents of the City of Foreman are encouraged to attend the hearing and participate in the community development process. The City will provide technical assistance in developing proposals by groups representing low and moderate-income persons.